† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CBA01504), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11347028, 11405083, and 11675075), the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, China (Grant No. 2018JJ2315), and the Youth Talent Projectof Hunan Province, China (Grant No. 2018RS3096).
With two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) particle-in-cell simulations, a dense electron–positron (e−e+) pair generation from laser-solid interactions is demonstrated. When the interaction of two linearly polarized laser pulses with a thin target enters into the relativistic transparency regime, a stable standing wave (SW) field can be formed by the overlap of the two counter-propagating laser pulses directly. The present study aims to clarify the effects of the SW field on the dynamics of e−e+ pair plasmas. Our results indicate that under the combined effect of the SW field and radiation reaction (RR) effect, the created e−e+ pairs can be trapped into the electric field nodes when the field strength is strong. The trapping effect contributes to the generation of γAV ≥ 400 and ultra-dense pair plasmas in the two-side irradiation scheme. Despite different laser intensities, these pair plasmas have a Maxwellian spectral distribution with a peak energy of 150 MeV. Besides, the periodical modulation of the average energy, spatial, phase-space, and angular patterns of the e−e+ pair plasmas can be triggered. In the angular patterns, as long as the SW field exists, pair plasmas can be pinched along the laser polarization direction. These results may offer a better understanding of the laser–solid interactions in the experiments when 10-PW laser facilities come into operation in the future.
Nowadays, because of the fundamental interest for studying nonlinear processes in the presence of a strong electromagnetic (EM) field, the interaction of ultrahigh intensity laser pulses with plasma is attracting a lot of attention.[1–8] With dramatic progress of current laser facilities, laser pulses with high intensity focusing light up to 1022 W/cm2 have already been realized.[9] Further, the laser projects underway, such as Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI),[10] and proposed constructions like the Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies (XCELS),[11] the International Coherent Amplification Network (iCAN),[12] and Vulcan[13] are expected to achieve focused intensities above 1023 W/cm2. The development of laser facilities has motivated the investigation of unexplored regimes of laser–plasma interactions.[14,15] When the plasma is irradiated by such intense laser pulses, quantum electrodynamics (QED) effects become important,[16,17] and ultrarelativistic dense plasma can be produced. As one of the fundamental QED effects, electron-positron (e−e+) pair plasma production is highly concerned worldwide,[18–23] which is potentially interesting for a wide range of applications, such as particle physics,[24] plasma physics,[25] and laboratory astrophysics.[26]
It is demonstrated experimentally that e−e+ pair plasmas can be produced via the Bethe–Heitler (BH) process from picosecond-class laser pulses (with intensities of 1018 W/cm2–1020 W/cm2) interacting with mm-thick high-Z target.[27] However, for low-Z flake and petawatt (PW) laser pulses, the Breit–Wheeler (BW) process dominates over the pair generation due to more efficient productivity.[21,28,29] In 10-PW laser–plasma interactions, the two main QED effects are the synchrotron γ-photon emission by the nonlinear Compton scattering[30,31] and the e−e+ pair generation by the multiphoton BW process.[32–34] In the nonlinear Compton scattering, e− + nγl → e− + γh, electrons from the target oscillate in the laser EM field then radiate high-energy photons (γh), where γl is a laser photon. The radiated photons can further absorb multiple laser photons to emit e−e+ pairs, γh + mγl → e− + e+, where the number of absorbed laser photons is m → ∞.[35] When the parameter χ0 = [(ε0 + p0)E0]/meEcr ≳ 1 (units with ħ = c = 1 are used),[32] where E0 is the laser electric field amplitude,
In this paper, we study the e−e+ pair plasma generation and its dynamics in interactions of two QED-strong linearly polarized laser pulses with a tenuous solid, where the RR effect is taken into account. With the stable SW field formed directly by the two counter-propagating laser pulses in the two-side irradiation scheme, the periodical modulation effects of the SW field on the average energy, spatial, phase-space, and angular distributions of the pairs are demonstrated. We also observe that the RR effect contributes to the trap of dense pair plasmas at the nodes of the SW field. Benefiting from the trapping effect, the two-side irradiation scheme could result in the formation of dense pair plasmas, following the Maxwellian spectral distribution with an average Lorentz factor of γAV ≥ 400. Moreover, under different polarized laser pulses, the angular distribution of particles always contracts along the laser polarization direction as long as the SW field exists.
Two-dimensional (2D) simulations are performed by using an open-source particle-in-cell (PIC) code EPOCH[38] including nonlinear Compton scattering and multiphoton BW process, allowing self-consistent modeling of laser–plasma interactions in the near-QED regime. Two linearly polarized laser pulses propagate along, respectively, the +x direction and −x direction. A set of laser intensities (I = 1 × 1023 W/cm2–8 × 1023 W/cm2, i.e., 3 PW–25 PW) are taken in the simulations. The laser pulses have transversely super-Gaussian spatial profiles with an electric field as ∝ exp[−(y/1 μm)10], focusing to spots with a radius of r = 1 μm, and their wavelengths are λ0 = 1 μm (period T0 = λ0/c = 3.33 fs). Besides, we set a flake with a fixed initial density of ne = 280nc (nc = 1.1 × 1027 m−3 being the nonrelativistic critical density) to the longitudinal center of the simulation box. The size of the simulation box is 9 μm × 8 μm in the x × y directions. The target plasma has a thickness of 1 μm, and consists of fully ionized carbons and hydrogens with a density ratio ne : nC : nH = 7 : 1 : 1, which is represented by 500 macro electrons and 16 macro ions per cell (single cell size is 10 nm).
The modulation effect of pair energy can be understood as follows. At the initial interaction stage, SW fields formed on each side of the target by the overlap of the incident and reflected laser pulses are not stable and the RR effect is not significant. When the target becomes relativistic transparent, however, a stable SW field can be formed by the counter-propagating laser pulses directly. The SW field strength is temporally at maximum at t = nT0/2, and the RR effect is strong enough to drive the ultrarelativistic pairs to losing lots of energies. As a result, the averaged energy of e−e+ pairs decreases and the decelerated pairs can be readily trapped to the nodes of the SW field, as discussed later. In contrast, when the SW field strength is relatively small at t = [(2n + 1)/4]/T0, the RR effect becomes weaker accordingly, which improves the pair energy. Afterwards, with the decline of the laser field, the energy oscillation caused by the competition between the radiation loss and field acceleration fades away. In Fig.
In addition, for the laser intensity of 8 × 1023 W/cm2, the modulation effect occurs slightly earlier, and the pair number, averaged energy, and the oscillation amplitude appears to be higher than that for lower laser intensities. Because a laser pulse with higher vector potential would drive earlier plasma transparency and better particle acceleration, accordingly, the stable SW field is formed sooner and the RR effect acts more violently. It is also shown in Figs.
The difference between the final energies of positrons and BW-electrons can be seen more clearly through the distribution of particle spectra. Figure
Besides the periodical oscillation of the pair energy, the SW field can also contribute to the modulation on the spatial density distribution of pairs, as shown in Figs.
To show the influence of the RR effect on the pair trapping effect, we present the longitudinal distributions of positron density for simulations with/without RR at t = 10T0 (Fig.
The motion of a free electron (positron) in a laser field is d
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Positron phase-space distributions for x–px at moment (a) t = 10T0 and (c) t = 10.25T0, and for y–py at (b) t = 10T0 and (d) t = 10.25T0. |
In the following, we perform a series of simulations to investigate angular distributions of target electrons, γ-photons, and e−e+ pairs. Since it is necessary to consider additional plasma effects, such as thermal expansion along the z direction, more simulations are conducted. We define θ = 0° along the direction of the laser propagation, and φ = 0°(90°) along the direction of p (s)-polarization. In Fig.
In the presence of the SW field, the polar patterns of positrons at t = 10.0T0 and 10.25T0 are pinched along the direction of the laser polarization due to the aggregation effect of the SW field. The polar pattern at t = 10.0T0 becomes slimmer relative to that at t = 10.25T0. This is due to a tighter confinement effect along the longitudinal direction of SW. In order to confirm such an effect, we display in Fig.
In summary, 2D simulations are performed to investigate the generation and modulation dynamics of pair plasmas in the interactions of two counter-propagating ultra-intense laser pulses with a thin solid target. The average energy, spatial, phase-space, and angular distributions of pair plasmas can be modulated periodically after the interaction enters the relativistic transparency regime. Based on the synergy of the SW field and the RR effect, the average energy of pairs is oscillating significantly, and the pairs are trapped at the nodes of the SW field with an interval of 0.5T0. Despite different laser polarizations, the angular distribution indicates that the particles always have a tendency to move along the laser polarization direction, and the pinch effect on pairs only appears when the SW field exists. However, when the interaction is in the relativistic opacity regime, such modulation effects do not exist. With the worldwide upcoming 10 PW-class laser systems, the modulation dynamics reception of pair plasmas is expected to be helpful in the future experimental investigation of pair plasmas at approachable laser intensities in current laboratories.
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